Silverweed Herb, Silver Cinquefoil Dried Herb [3 Oz Or 85 G]

Silverweed Herb, Silver Cinquefoil Dried Herb [3 Oz Or 85 G]
Brand: Etsy - MaiOnlineShop
Color: Grey
13.48 GBP
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3 oz or 85 grams of dried Silverweed Herb The Silverweed, one of the commonest of the Potentillas, is very abundant in Great Britain & throughout the temperate regions, extending from Lapland to the Azores, & is equally at home in regions as remote as Armenia, China, New Zealand & Chile. It has a slender, branched root-stock, dark brown outside, which has been eaten in the Hebrides in times of scarcity. The leaves are covered on both sides with a silky, white down of soft hairs, mostly marked on the underside, hence its English name of Silverweed. They are 2 to 5 inches long, much cut or divided, interruptedly pinnate, i.e. divided into twelve to fifteen pairs of oval, toothed leaflets along the midrib, each pair being separated by a shorter pair all the way up. The buttercup-like flowers, in bloom from early summer till later autumn, are borne singly on long footstalks from the axils of the leaves on the slender runners. They are large, with five petals of a brilliant yellow colour & the calyx is cleft into ten divisions. It is also an excellent remedy for cramps in the stomach, heart & abdomen. in addition to the infusion taken internally, it is advisable to apply it to the affected parts on compresses. Silverweed Herb, Silver Cinquefoil Dried Herb [3 Oz Or 85 G]