Organic White Willow Bark | Salix Alba

Organic White Willow Bark | Salix Alba
Brand: Etsy - wildandweedyemporium
Color: Black
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MEDICINAL: Excellent remedy for arthritic & rheumatic pain in the back & joints Manages high fevers Used to ease headaches & migraines Helps to reduce hot flushes & night sweats Anti-inflammatory Astringent MAGICAL: Planet - Moon Element - Water Guards against Evil Can be carried or placed in the home Healing spells Conjure spirits on a waning Moon when added to Sandalwood Dream Magic Add to baths & preparations to heal body & soul If needing a good cry a bath with White Willow will facilitate Dream scrying with Moon & water Soothing for fright & worries Spells to attract new love into your life (Above is only a guide for the most common uses of this herb. Please consult with your GP or medical herbalist especially if on medication, pregnant or planning a pregnancy) Please see our shop for other products Organic White Willow Bark | Salix Alba