Grief/Loss Intention Bottle & Grief Bag

Grief/Loss Intention Bottle & Grief Bag
Brand: Etsy - GracefulHealing2
Color: Grey
12.71 GBP
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This is the Grief or Loss Bottle. It’s a 5oz heart shaped jar, it’s 4 h & 3 wide & 2 thick. It is decorated with a Marabou feather, angel wings & praying hand charms. The bottle is sealed & it has herbs, spices & crystals to help with loss. Loss is more than losing a loved one. It could be a loss of home, loss of income, estranged family members…grief comes in many forms. The intentions are set to bring peace, calm, clear the mind, offer physical strength, heal emotions. It has herbs to serve as an antidepressant, heal grief & sorrow & offers protection. You can place the bottle anywhere or take it with you. As you hold your bottle, close your eyes & envision the feelings of happiness when you had this person or purpose in your life. Feel the warmth & think of the ways to celebrate your loved ones life. If you’ve lost something that has effected your well-being, visualize what you need to feel whole today. Feel it, see it, pray for it..know with every piece of your heart that you are not going through this journey alone. Please know that God, the Universe or whatever higher being is walking right beside you. Feel that light & have faith you will have a clear vision as soon as you let go & can look forward. You will find the courage & strength to open a new door. It will come to you. Hold the bottle next to your heart…grieve as long as you need to then you will know when the time comes to pick up the pieces & discover it’s time to heal your mind, body & spirit. If you break the seal, the intention will be lost. There is a grief & loss bag. The bags contains the same herbs, spices & crystals. But this is your bag to put whatever you want in order to feel connected to what you have lost & to help you heal. Perhaps a ring, a note with a promise or a personal affirmation, anything! You can stick it in your pocket, your purse, under your pillow & reach for it anytime you need to. The aroma will help your senses so you can cope. You can open it up & touch a crystal, crush the spices or read or touch whatever item(s) you put in the bag. I wish you much love, peace & comfort during this journey in your life. Bless you with your graceful healing. Grief/Loss Intention Bottle & Grief Bag