Please find for sale 15 fresh Cider Gum seeds (Eucalyptus Gunnii). This beautiful tree is perhaps best known for its use in wedding bouquets, table decorations etc, however I fell in love with this tree when I spotted a 8 foot specimen is a friends garden. The beauty of its shiny bark, the smell of the leaves & the rustling noise in gentle breezes is pretty hard to beat. When he moved house, we dug it out & moved it! Gunnii is very flexible - can be trained as a bush or a standard. We are on the south coast but elsewhere in UK some winter protection may well be required. Seasonally I also have Cider Gum plants for sale that I have raised from seed - see my other items PLEASE NOTE: All orders received before 8pm (Mon-Fri) will be dispatched same day SAVE PACKAGING MATERIALS - SEE OTHER INTERESTING & UNUSUAL SEEDS & PLANTS in MY SHOP INSTRUCTIONS - I am reducing paper waste by no longer sending paper instructions to customers. All the information required is detailed below so bookmark this page. Germination Guide Eucalypt’s germinate readily from seed if basic steps are followed. Soak the seeds in a glass of water for 24 hours Sow seed on surface of a moist porous seed mix - ideally a mix of 50% regular compost, 50% vermiculite (which I sell in the Accessories section of my eBay shop) The seed will lodge in the the pores of the mix once watered.. Water with fine mist spray to avoid disturbance of the seed. Very gently tamp down the surface of the soil using a suitable flat object Place in a light, warm position but out of direct sunlight. Keep warm & moist, avoid drying out or waterlogging the growing mix. Germination generally occurs in around 10-28 days in the right conditions Olly’s General Guide to Seed Sowing! I love sowing seeds & it runs in the family - dad, granddad & finally my great-granddad for whom the hobby helped him get over his experiences in the Great War. I still get a big kick when I see the first seedling poking through from a new plant that I have never sown before or been successful at. However, even the most experienced gardeners draw blanks from time to time. Whilst I sow all the seeds that I sell so I know that they are viable, some are trickier than others & problems can arise so here are some tips to make blanks few & far between: 1) Don’t Rush! Tempting though it is when that packet arrives in the post to simply bung the seeds in some compost! 2) Google & YouTube are your friends! Take some time so see the methods other people use to germinate the seed. 3) Think Nature! What conditions do seeds face? For example a seed from a tropical plant will fall to the warm, wet & dark jungle floor. A seed from the mountains of Europe will fall to the floor in Autumn, then have to endure months of freezing temperatures before germinating in the spring. So as growers, what we are trying to do is to simulate the conditions that the seeds will naturally experience & there are plenty of tricks that can be done to short cut the