The Camp Joy Tomato, also known as Chadwick Cherry, affectionately after Alan Chadwick as it was his favorite cherry tomato. It is larger than most, comparable in size to the Large Red Cherry, which are the large red ones they use universally on salad bars around the globe. These 1-1.5 round, bright red cherries are for the tomato connoisseurs of us out there. Boasting less of that super sweetness that the newer hybrids have, instead taking a robust, full bodied flavor. Undertones to be detected, much like a fine wine. OK so clearly we all need to try this one, but who is Alan Chadwick anyways? Why is he such a big deal? Called the Gardener of Souls & The Greatest Horticulturist of the 20th Century Alan developed the bio dynamic French Intensive Method for gardening, which led to the organic gardening revolution. He pushed his students to become creative, strong minded, independent gardeners . Chadwick Cherry Heirloom Tomato Seeds, Us - Non Gmo, Organic, Free Seeds With Every Order